
However, the fine beauty did have a fair number of friends who were good and dear. One such friend was a hairy-armed lad whom we'll henceforth refer to as Nam-Allirog (read it backwards). Nam-Allirog was an out-going, well-wishing sort, always seeking to do some good for his fellow primates. And so, on this occasion he happened upon sweet Macloude alone at her place of residence - the Castle Sassy-203 in the realm of the Plaza of Campus. After a brief exchange of pleasantries, he most regretfully declared that he must depart. However, a nagging suspicion had been born within his mind, and so he proceeded to inquire that his suspicion might be laid to rest.
"Have you left this [castle] once since returning from work?" said he.
"Bugger off," she replied, confirming his suspicions.
At once he determined that it would be most callous of him to leave her in such a lonely state and insisted upon her immediate quitting of her sanctuary. He proceeded to drag her by her delicate metaphorical ear to the near-by manor of Man-206. Therewithin dwelt the honorable lord Tarzan and the Knight some call... Tim, most skilled paint ball wielder in all the land. Nam-Allirog announced his intent of leaving the fair maiden under the care of these noble men - cautioning them from allowing her to leave unaccompanied, lest she be preyed upon by roving bandits (or return to the solitude of her computer).
It was then that Lord Tarzan posed a question born of humble curiosity (for his was both mighty and mild): "But, sir, why dost thou leavest this comely, gentle flower in our charge?"
To which, Nam-Allirog so gracefully explained, "Well, it's kind of like when you're at a party and you're talking to someone. But you JUST CAN'T STAND THEM! It would be rude to just leave, so instead you find someone else to dump them on, get them talking, and THEN slip away..."
Macloude vowed from that moment forward to never allow her dearest of friends Nam-Allirog to forget a lesson he should have already known: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
....And some people wonder why men get labeled as tactless idiots. I'd really hate to retract everything I had that was fair and good to say about men in my last post, and everything I would like to say in future posts. But right now.... Oh, how sorely I'm tempted. >.<
Quote- "I need a guy opinionated enough to fight back, but considerate enough to let me win." ~Macloude (with an 'e')
Music- "My December," Josh Groban
Mood- hopeful about soccer
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