Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Warning: Sappy Romantic Whimsy Ahead

It all began with a whim. A series of whims, in fact. What began as a frozen yogurt kick with a girlfriend evolved into a night where some life dreams were achieved and others were born.
You see, while playing around the fountain in a near-by park this evening, my dearly loved gal pal Jessica confessed that one thing she desperately wanted to do someday was put on an elegant formal dress and play in a fountain. Thus, we agreed that we would have to realize this ambition of hers in the near future. We parted ways around midnight, and I prepared myself for bed. Then, roughly an hour after our goodbyes, she called and invited me to attend the immediate fulfillment of her wish along with another friend, who generously supplied the dresses. How could I say no?

And so it was that the three of us set out only a matter of hours ago in pursuit of romantic, girlish adventure, they in their sleek, formal gowns, and I in a lovely old-fashioned gown with lace around the hem and long, flowy sleeves, which I have deemed to be absolutely perfect where the fulfillment of girlish fantasies are concerned!

First, we ventured to Bridal Falls, and I'm not sure we left there with the same number of toes we arrived with. The way Jessica yowled, I'm sure a few of hers must've been frozen off. However, it was determined by the mouth of two or three witnesses that I resembled some form of Celtic goddess, reposing amidst the cascading water, far more than any mortal creature. So I consider the experience well worth what it cost us in useless little appendages.

Then once we'd missed the ability to feel our feet sufficiently, we relocated to the same park we'd visited earlier in the evening, and commenced our girlish frolicking in the fountain (which was significantly warmer by comparison to the waterfall). We danced, splashed, twirled, posed as statues, did karate, and imagined ourselves as nymphs (or a selkie, in Hannah's case).

I can't remember the last time I felt so free-spirited or so ~pretty~ as I did twirling and splashing about tonight in that old-fashioned dress. And I've decided that feeling that way is something I want to share with the man I'll love one day. And so tonight I've set a new goal for myself, and I cannot die happily until I see it accomplished. I'm determined that someday I will find myself in a fountain - or perhaps even beneath a waterfall - with a man I'm crazy about. And I will be well and thoroughly kissed by him there - and perhaps I'll dance with him there as well.


Quote: "To see the world in a grain of sand
And heaven in a wildflower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour," William Blake
Music: "Heavy," Holly Brook
Mood: Romantic

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